Why Guitar Giraffe?
We’ve wanted to fill that empty space by becoming the first one of its kind.

Our Showroom
Guitar Giraffe is a family business, and we do what we do because we love it. We really do. We’ve turned our small store into a nice place where to try out guitars and chat. If you want to check amazing vintage guitars out, just come and visit!

On the Backstage...
I’m Daniel Valledor, Guitar Giraffe's manager and guitar enthusiast. Since I started playing (at age 15 or so), I’ve regretted the difficulties one had to go through to get a second hand guitar or amp. Most of the sales took place between known friends or musicans, but never through a dedicated guitar store. That’s why Guitar Giraffe is also a personal project, since it dates back to my yearns as a kid. It felt it was about time somebody took the vintage guitar concept to a different level in this country, and you can see what I mean in our catalogue photos.
For many years my professional life was focused towards the media world. You can check out some of my old works here. In my free time, besides playing guitar and messing around with hi-fi tube amps, I was into short films. I even shot one with a friend, titled “Ngutu”, and it did quite well in festivals around the world.
Lately I'm more focused in the world of street photography. You can take a look at some of the stuff I do in my personal Instagram. Hope you like it!